Yoga Meetings

The workshop combines warming up exercises and soft yoga positions directed to increase flexibility and
essentiality, and a structured process of concentration and focus, which brings peace and deep serenity within a wonderfully brief time. 

During the workshop, attention will be given to the abilities and readiness of the group and the thread that links and leads
the group, enabling it to function and develop together.

The activities will take place on the terrace at Hameiri Dairy, gaining strength from the verdant views and the intensity of the Meron Mountain range, above the sacred Hari Mikva.  The exercises will be performed on straw mats under a large, shady net.

The price for the group tour + sample tastings of cheese from the Dairy, in combination with a yoga workshop is NIS
50 per person.  The price includes VAT. 

Total time of activity – approximately two hours.

Minimum number of participants – 20 people.

Information for participants:

Please wear comfortable clothing.  It is recommended that you take part in the workshop before your meal.